This picture is of Champ. Friends who know me will think that this Jake, but it is not Jake. Champ came to live with us in 1987 and went to dog heaven in 2001. This picture was taken in the early 90s at his favorite place, the back porch of our home in Avinger Texas. People say that Jake is a large dog, but Jake weighs only around 80 pounds. Champ weighed 98 pounds his whole adult life and he was not fat. He was very active living in the woods and farm as we did then. He ran beside my 4 wheeler anytime I used it. As he got older I traded the 4 wheeler for a golf cart. He ran beside the golf cart each and everytime I went around the farm on it. In his final years, his hips gave out and I had to carry him from the porch to the golf cart. He did not like riding, he wanted to run, but he still wanted to go with me. Champ was named for my grandfather, Wimby Stark nicknamed Champ.
Champ was a good dog.
This final picture is of Willie, Champ and Pepe in the back yard of our home at the Blueberry Farm in Avinger Texas.
Walldog, Willie and Jake.