I think Jeff wants his solar panel a bit away from his storage box.
Lincoln takes Grandpa Tim for a ride in the kayak.
Nita and Lisa enjoy their kayak rides, also.
Herb and I decide it is a good time to stroll with Jake to see the sculpture garden on the hill.
Along the way we see that Capt. Mac has arrived.
Max of Allotrope joins us for the walk and points out that some of the sculptures are no longer here; perhaps have been sold.
My favorite is the gyroscope.
Birds in the foreground, and the replica of a ship in the background.
I am not sure of the medium, but it appears to be tar forming a relief map of San Juan Island.
We look from west to east, with Roche Harbor at the left.
We see activities preparing for a wedding at Our Lady of Good Voyage Chapel on the hill.
The outside of the chapel is being decorated with fresh greenery garlad.
The reception will be in the tent we see below as we continue our walk back to the marina.
Max and Herb walk ahead to check out the wedding cake.
Find Willie's Tug. Docked bow in, starboard tie, near the left side of the photo. Dinghy is in the water.
The marina is quite busy today.
We meet Barb and Don of Barbara Ann.
And now we see that Linda is with Capt. Mac.
Max's boat has a gray stripe. Traveling with him are his parents, Jan and Doug.
The Ranger folks caught 51 crabs at Jeff's cabin on Center Island and share with the group for our evening meal.
Wedding guests are kind enough to donate a centerpiece for our table, and Lisa donates a Picton Bay Sauvignon Blanc to compliment it.
She tells me Leroy imports it from New Zealand.
The Terrenal shown below currently comes from Spain.
We meet Gail and Patrick of Ganges, Salt Spring Island, BC. Through a mis-communication, we missed seeing them when we visited the island last week.
They will be our guides for the Canadian portion of the trip.
Dinner is served.
Dinner looks wonderful!
Herb enjoys his share, and doesn't move far from the buffet table.
My blueberry cole slaw is consumed, as are many of the other sides that boaters prepared.
The Livingston crew and friends enjoy the feast.
Chiquita's tablecloth is, of course, yellow!
Max found dessert.
Andrew tries not to spill anything on his new clothes.
Gloria of Mvto Hokte has arrived.
Her boat name means 'Thank you, Girl' in Creek language.
After dinner, Lincoln instructs Herb on attaching his motor to the dinghy.
Lotsa Ranger Tugs here, on both sides of the guest dock.
Herb takes Jake and me in the dinghy closer to the shore by the marina office to see the Colors ceremony.
First we see the Color Guard in the center of the photo.
The Harbor flag comes down, as its music is played; the Washington State flag is next, then the Canadian and the British flags, leaving only the flag of the United States of America flying.
As each flag is lowered, the appropriate anthem is played.
Now 'My Country Tiz of Thee.'
Then the cannon sounds! Loud!
A cacophony of boat horns can be heard, but the loudest sound Herb and I hear is our own laughter as Jake reacts to the loud noise. Not sure what is going on or what is to come next, he makes himself really small, slithers under my seat in the dinghy and gets as close to Herb as he can.
Our brave guard dog.
Now back to our boats.............
Willie of Willie's Tug,
and Walldog, Willie and Jake
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