Today we move from the higher altitudes of the San Juan mountains to the lower more arid area of Moab Utah. We warm up considerably. Our stay for the next couple of days is the OK RV Park located next to the Canyon Land Stables and Arena. This is a neatly maintained oasis which we rate high.
Day 13 Jeep Roads Moah Utah
We spend the day crawling over rocks in our jeep. Our first off road trail was the Gemini Bridges road. This road goes up to the end of Bull Canyon, which is between Moab and the North access to Canyon Lands National Park. As you may have guessed, the road goes to the two natural bridges named Gemini. Bridges are similar to Arches, but formed somewhat differently.
After driving through Dead Horse Point State Park and Canyon Lands National Park, we find another jeep road that promises to be an exciting short cut back to Moab. Short yes, quicker no. Our road is named the Long Canyon Trail or Pucker Point Road.
We quickly find out why it is so named.
As we arrive back in Moab, Willie spots what she thinks is a C-Dory boat behind a motel on a trailer. I turn around to check it out because we may know them as they are a close knit group. When I see it, it is actually a Ranger Tug. We drive up to it and find that it is "Gabriella" owned by a neighbor of ours from Port Isabel. Small World.
Many more exciting pictures of our adventures today are found here.
Walldog, Willie and Jake
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